Clash of Values…we are all connected

This has been one of those weeks where I have spent entirely too much time in head, which is not always a bad thing though often too much time in my head means I am headed for a crash. The type of crash where it’s easy to get caught up in a spirit of negativity; …

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How to survive economic hardship, the how to’s of survival in this new world

New government data released says here in the US almost 16% of us are living below the poverty level. Reality is that level is so damn low it makes no sense and that what used to be a decent income doesn’t get you too far these days. . I talk a lot about my own …

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Lifestyles of the broke and unemployed…how to stay losing and lose it all

Every now and then either in my online or offline life, a topic comes up and it dawns on me just how few people are really versed in that topic. Most of the time, it matters not to me, I mean the reality is no one can know everything about a topic and there are …

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